Cryptokitties – Fighters

Fighters are every normal CryptoKitties-NFT at player’s wallet. They have special parameters which depend on the kitties genome

Players can not use any non-normal kitties, including fancies, special editions and exclusives.

It set that way due to the fact that all those types of kitties have customized appearance which doesn’t follow the regular logic of assembling the kitty image. Being playable also give an advantage to normal kitties and a bit improves their chances on the market. If you are the owner of any normal cryptokitty, you can be sure that you can use it in our game.

Even though Kotowars requires 33 kitties, you can start playing even if you have just one!
The Champion should be an existing kitty, but kitty-fighters can be “forged” via our Constructor-mode, which allows users to build a cat with any basic parameters they want. This mode also will be available in the future, but gangs that include such cats will not have access to some content, such as ranked pvp-mode or tournaments with awards.

Only one parameter of player cats is important for Kotowars — cryptokitties genome.








If you are at least a little bit familiar with CryptoKitties, then you know that the appearance of a cat depends on its cattributes and there are a huge number of possible combinations of these traits.
We have slightly expanded the functionality of the kitties’ genome and use it to form the basic parameters of your cats inside KotoWars.

At the moment we use two trait groups — Fur and Accent Colour, but we have plans to add others as well.
Fur is responsible for Attack and Defense parameters of your cat and Accent Colour corresponds to what Elements the Attack and Defense have.

  • Attack is the base amount of damage that the kitten deals to its opponents
  • Defense is the amount of damage the cat can take before being K.O.ed
  • There are four elements: air, water, earth, fire
  • When one cat attacks another, the element of attack is considered against the element of defense of the victim to check if the victim should get increased or decreased amount of damage
  • During the attack, the victim immediately counterattacks, and the damage for both the attacker and the victim applied at the same moment

Let’s look at an example
If we want your kitty to with Air Attack and Water Defense and to be more tanky, for example — 5:11, then we have several options for such cat:

  • Kalahari + Himalayan
  • Kalahari + Toyger
  • Atlantis + Himalayan
  • Atlantis + Toyger

You can read more about basic priciples here

Kotowars elements